This is the official blogsite of the Oshkosh-based Wisconsin Marriage Defenders group.
We stand for the traditional biblical family of one man married to one woman.
We are involved in local efforts to expose the surreptitious desires of the homosexual movement, and their efforts to destroy the family concept. We've counter-protested at two Action Wisconsin rallies (Oshkosh & Green Bay), sponsored our own pro-family rally (Oshkosh), been interviewed in print and television media (all around Fox valley), done a literature drop reaching 7,000 homes in Oshkosh, and picketed in favor of traditional marriage.
We have much more planned for the future.
At 10:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
No... seriously dude... the first guy was right... YOUR GAY... everyone knows except you... why did you pick pink for blog?
At 11:01 PM,
T.G. said…
The correct English would be "YOU'RE GAY", not "YOUR GAY". If you're going to nitpick on the color, I'll critique your abomonable English grammar.
Do you have something against pink?
BTW, Tony Palmeri called me 'Taliban', Sen. Carpenter called me 'Hitler', and Professor Paulson called me a 'false prophet'. Do you think you're going to bother me by calling me gay?
Call me what you will (yawn!), but I'm not a sodomite.
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
You should try reading the New Testament sometime!
Enjoy your stay in Hell with the rest of the hateful scum that proclaim to be Christian and engage in shameful acts that would make Jesus himself, smack the taste out of your mouth.
At 1:02 AM,
T.G. said…
I have read the New Testament several times.
What shameful acts are you talking about?
At 4:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've done my part.
You're going to have to reread your blog comments back to the time Al Gore invented the Internet.
What a dope, trying to kill the homo within! Just can't be done guy, no matter how many leaflets you pass out or comments you delete.
Silly Rabbit! LOL
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