Isaiah 59:19 ... When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.
Eight men from Wisconsin Marriage Defenders made an hour trek to Green Bay, WI to protest the latest local appearance of "Action Wisconsin", the pro-homosexual group that sponsored the recent "Queers on the Water" rally that we countered in Oshkosh. This time it was called a "Town Hall" meeting.
This was a different type of experience in may ways. This time the media coverage was slanted in favor of the homosexuals because of the Massachusetts law taking effect today (5-17-04). Still, to get such visible coverage, at *their* rally, is an excellent accomplishment. They also interviewed some almost normal looking homosexuals. The previous fruity interviews would repulse most normal people, and actually worked to our advantage.
This time we got to spend more time giving the gospel and talking to onlookers. Each of us got to witness to several others, so several dozen people heard the gospel, their accountability before God, and their need for salvation by believing on Jesus Christ. We did a lot of seed planting and sowing. Perhaps someday reaping will result.
We also heard vulgar catcalls this time, and every time someone cursed at us, I would ask whoever I was talking to at the time, "Now WHO'S being hateful and intolerant here?"
We were outside, carrying large signs with messages on the front and back, so we were highly visible, and talked to the media before they went into the meeting. I did an interview that aired on WLUK-TV at They misspelled my name as "Tino", and I have a face better suited for radio than TV, but no one else wanted to do the interview. so it fell on me.
I commented: "It would totally make marriage a farce if anybody can marry anybody for any reason." (I went on to explain how redefining marriage as other than one man and one woman opens a can of worms to allow incest, polygamy, prostitution, and pedophilia., but they cut that part) . "I think it's a bad direction for the country to go. We're legitimizing sin, we're legitimizing things that are wrong and hurtful to the country." (I then again added a statement that without the Bible as the standard for right and wrong, we're left to society's opinion of the day, which can change tomorrow. 20 years ago homosexuality and abortion were considered to be wrong, today they're considered to be okay. In 20 years perhaps rape and pedophilia will be considered someone's sexual orientation., and protected as civil-rights", but they omitted that part again.).
Dick Ives was interviewed by WBAY-TV ( He was reluctant to do another TV interview because he's been receiving crank phone calls since his previous interview, but they eventually cornered him. This is the channel that aired William Bakash's interview on their website last rally. This one is also on their website now. A clip of all of us walking with our signs comes up just before his interview.
The preview, which is not on this video, showed Dick saying: ""I can't just let them go to Hell, I have to do something." and during the clip he commented: "All that stuff is sin in God's sight. That's why we're here, because we love people enough to tell them the truth about that, even though they end up hating our guts for it."
Bro. Ives also showed up on the Green Bay Press Gazette (
Outside the theater, about 15 anti-gay demonstrators gathered to protest.
Richard Ives drove from Oshkosh and held a sign that read, “Stop the destruction of western civilization. Sodomy kills.”
“We love homosexuals enough to come out and tell (people) the truth about what they are doing to themselves,” Ives said. “They are killing themselves with sodomy, HIV … and it destroys our culture.”
Terry Knutson was interviewed by the Green Bay News Chronicle, and Jerry Fox was also interviewed. Terry said: "My feeling is as the Bible says. Homosexuality is a sin,"
Perhaps the saddest thing was that, aside from the homosexual group leaders, probably 95% of the pro-homosexual crowd was under the age of 20. There is absolutely no question they are after our youth. They can't reproduce, so they must recruit. It also shows what kind of product our public schools and colleges are turning out.
At 4:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've done my part.
You're going to have to reread your blog comments back to the time Al Gore invented the Internet.
What a dope, trying to kill the homo within! Just can't be done guy, no matter how many leaflets you pass out or comments you delete.
Silly Rabbit! LOL
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