The chronicles of the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Monday, October 30, 2006


The Fair(y) Wisconsin people are airing a very deceptive TV ad, using a farm and tractor suggesting a 'no' vote doesn't change anything. The fact is, all along they've been saying a 'YES' vote is unnessary because homosexual marriage is already illegal in Wisconsin. That means a 'YES' vote doesn't change anything. What a 'YES' vote does is define a "husband and wife" as a "man and woman" in the State Constitution to insure that an activist judge will not be able to easily overthrow the will of most Wisconsin citizens by single-handedly ruling to legalize sodomite marriage.

This is further proof that the lavendar lobby are liars. They won't simply make their argument for or against the amendment, because they KNOW they will LOSE. Instead they are trying to confuse the issue so voters will think voting 'no' is what they want when they really want what the 'YES' vote provides (status quo, marriage between ona man and one woman).

One of WMD's finest, Jared Longsine had a letter printed in today's Oshkosh Northwestern to set the record STRAIGHT:


Referendum opponents ads misleading voters

"Misleading" should be the slogan for those opposed to the marriage amendment, and their tactics for defeating it. They are spending millions on advertising stating that voting "No" will mean "No Changes". While for the short term a "No" vote will leave things as they are, the truth lies in the fact that the homosexual agenda is a two phase plan. Step one is to defeat the amendment, and step two is to have liberal judges legislate immorality from the bench. Don't believe me? See New Jersey and Massachusetts for the proof.

The reality is this: Voting "Yes" means keeping marriages the same as has been since the creation of man. It means keeping marriage the same as the federal and state government have it now. Voting "Yes" means protecting business owners from being forced to extend benefits to those who choose to live in immorality. Voting "Yes" means helping Wisconsin keep and attract talented, creative, and moral men and women to a state that has the same values as they do. Voting "Yes" means saving millions in health care costs that the state would have to provide to homosexual partners and other "domestic partnerships". These are just a few of many reasons to consider.

The homosexual lobby shouts discrimination. However, no one has ever said homosexuals couldn't have a job, live with whomever, eat wherever, and have parades wherever they want. This amendment has to do with maintaining what a Holy God ordained in the Garden of Eden, and standing on what the Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed: Marriage is only between one man and one woman.

You can either go with what the homosexuals call marriage, or by what God calls marriage. I would go with the safe bet and vote "Yes" on Nov. 7.

Jared Longsine Berlin

Monday, October 23, 2006



With just a couple weeks until the election, Christie and I sent in our last letters to the Oshkosh Northwestern:


Dear Editor,

At the State Congressional hearing for the traditional marriage amendment, outspoken sodomite Senator Tim Carpenter became unglued at the suggestion that homosexual marriage was a step on a “slippery slope” toward other kinds of perversion and immorality.

Irate as that claim might make Sen. Carpenter, the claim is demonstrably true. The Midwest Alternative Polyamory Conference at Wisconsin Dells proved that. Polyamorists support marriage between multiple members of either sex.

"They're out doing the heavy lifting for us," John Wise, a New Jersey attorney, said of the gay rights movement.

"We're queerer than queer … We're the new gay" said Wise's wife, Nan, a psychotherapist who is writing a book she hopes will normalize the idea of three or four adults living in a committed sexual relationship.

Richard Whitnable, a retired computer programmer who lives alone in Madison said the polyamory movement is where gays and lesbians were in the 1950s and '60s.

"Polys are following the same path," he said.

This amendment is more important than just homosexual marriage. If sodomite marriage is allowed, other vices, like polyamory, polygamy, and pedophilia will follow. Over one-third of child molesters are homosexual. It is no stretch to expect them to be next in line demanding “rights” to practice their “sexual orientation”.


Christie Groppi

Article on polyamory from Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal: http://www.jsonline.com/story/?id=258480
Several studies on homosexual pedophilia at: http://traditionalvalues.org/urban/one.php



Dear Editor,

Last month I did perhaps the most politically-incorrect thing a man can do in Wisconsin right now, I married a woman (Gasp! How old fashioned! What a prude!)

Let me be clear that I support “gay” marriage. In fact I think everybody should have a gay marriage. Ours has been very happy. However, homosexual marriage is totally another matter. I am not in favor of sodomite marriage. The term “homosexual marriage” is an oxymoron. It is obviously unnatural (the plumbing does not fit).

Michael Swift wrote an essay in the February 1987 edition of the Gay Community News that has been cited in the Congressional Record. Among other vile rantings, he said,

"We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity."

"The family unit - spawning ground of lies, betrayal, mediocrity, hypocrisy and betrayal - will be abolished.

"All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men."

I also gained four step-children when I married Christie. Homosexuals like Swift make it clear they are after my sons and want to destroy my family. The sodomites are not the loving, tolerant folks they pretend to be. Many are hostile to the rest of us.

This is not about giving rights to peaceful people who won’t bother anybody. If Wisconsin redefines marriage to include sodomite relationships, it will be the first big step for them in going after the above goals, as well as giving a jump start for polygamy, incest, and pedophilia (adult-child sex).

This is a serious matter, Wisconsin must vote YES to support traditional marriage.


Teno Groppi




Luis Padilla, who worked in the human resources office at Cargill, wrote on his vehicle's rear window, "Please, vote for marriage on Nov. 7."

TG: That is so innocuous I can't believe anybody would object, not to mention Padilla's free speech rights.

Padilla was dismissed for insubordination, because he did not remove the message, which company officials say could be considered harassment.

TG: But that's not true. Padilla went to extremes he should not have had to trying to appease Cargill.

He complied when a supervisor told him to remove the message. The next day, Padilla put the message back on his truck and parked outside the company gate. But later he was told the company owns the land where he parked.

Padilla received permission to cover the message with cardboard and appealed his case to a superior official.

TG: What more should he have to do? He went far above and beyond the call of duty.

This is another example of the hateful intolerance of the pro-sodomite crowd. Cargill is among the companies given a perfect score of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign's 2006 Corporate Equality Index, with policies beneficial toward homosexuals.