The chronicles of the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Monday, June 11, 2007



The photo is of a man called "Ladybunny" who dresses in drag and puts on obscene and profane programs.

The Wisconsin queers had their annual sodomite "Pridefest" this weekend in Milwaukee. The event was largely geared toward YOUTH, despite the fact that the homosexuals constantly insist they do not target kids.

Here is a letter from Pastor Matt Trewhella about the event:

Dear Friends of Righteousness,

It was alarming to see the huge numbers of people going into the yearly Sodomfest held here in Milwaukee this year. By far, this was the largest numbers ever in attendance. KISS FM 103.7, a radio station listened to heavily by teen-agers pushed this event for days repeatedly encouraging young people to attend.

Sadly, many came. We saw many dropped off by their parents and others who came in with their parents. The parents said we were closed-minded and they just wanted to help their children sort all this out whether they're gay or not.

In spite of the filthy talk and antics of the sodomites directed towards us, we were able to have many worthwhile conversations and preach the Law of God and Gospel of Christ. People from our congregation were there all three days to minister.

Those participating in the parade on Sunday included:

Don Jacobs Toyota
Bergstrom Chevrolet and Hummer
Two Men and A Truck
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett
State Rep. Tim Carpenter
and aldermanic candidate Victor Ray

The flaunting of this sin, and the tolerance and silence of the Church of it, beckons God's righteous judgment upon our nation. Already we see it as good is called evil and evil good. We see it also in the spiritual blindness and death of a Church which has more interest in its amusements, 401k's, and vacations, than it does in serving the Lord or wondering what kind of nation they will leave to their sons and daughters.

May He be first in our lives!
Pastor Matt Trewhella


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