Elderly Christian florist faces thousands in fines for refusing to provide flowers for gay ‘wedding’
Elderly Christian florist faces thousands in fines for refusing to provide flowers for gay ‘wedding’
At 8:13 PM, Anonymous said…
Uhmmm....in your haste to copy and paste (mouth frothing with hate-filled saliva), you can't even get basic facts correct. Like the fact that the florist is a woman. Granted, she looks similar to the men who who attend Wylewood, but still she's a she.
At 3:03 PM, T.G. said…
Thank you for alerting me to that error. But when you complain about slander and name-calling, don't forget your own here.
Why don't you come to Wyldewood and see what our men look like?
At 1:38 PM, Anonymous said…
Ummm....I didn't complain about name-calling or slander so I guess I could add paranoia to that list of your mental illnesses. You really should get some help. Life is too short for you to go through it with such anger and hate in your heart.
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