Wisconsin Marriage Defenders has arranged to team up with Pastor Ralph Ovadal to do a literature distribution and picket on 12-17-05. Doing this in the dead of winter will certainly catch the militant homosexuals asleep and unable to mount a counter attack. Dick Ives was the coordinator. We expect a group of about a dozen with Ralph, and hopefully that many from WMD.
Since it is almost Christmas, here is a popular tune to announce Bro. Ovadal's arrival:
You'd better watch out,
You're going to cry,
Get ready to pout,
I'm telling you why,
Ovadal is coming to town.
He hears your lisp,
He knows of your vice,
He knows that you've been naughty, not nice,
Ovadal is coming to town.
He sees with whom you're sleeping,
He knows of your mistake,
He knows that you've been bad or worse,
So get saved for Jesus' sake.
Oh, you'd better watch out,
You're going to cry,
Get ready to pout,
I'm telling you why,
Ovadal is coming to town.
The gay boys in the bathhouse fear,
The Ovadal mystique,
And now they fear another foe,
Called WMD (double-you em dee),
Oh, you'd better watch out,
You're going to cry,
Get ready to pout,
I'm telling you why,
Ovadal is coming,
Ovadal is coming,
Ovadal is coming,
To town!
At 6:02 PM,
MC Harv said…
A pink blog? Seems kinda... I dunno... gay?
At 9:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
You make Jesus cry :(
At 1:07 AM,
lloydletta said…
Gee, the first verse fits with You Better Watch Out... The rest doesn't.
At 10:46 PM,
T.G. said…
What's wrong with pink? Are you stereotyping and judging? Are you focusing on the color because you cannot deal with the issue?
Why do you say I make Jesus cry?
At 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Appropriate name: Wisconsin Marriage Defenders-WMD or Weapons of Mass Destruction? The latter is more like it because you and your believers will surely self destruct!
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've done my part.
You're going to have to reread your blog comments back to the time Al Gore invented the Internet.
What a dope, trying to kill the homo within! Just can't be done guy, no matter how many leaflets you pass out or comments you delete.
Silly Rabbit! LOL
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I so know this is late but never...too late..And All I can say is after a lifetime of watching others sin, including himself he's wrapped himself up in one of the largest known hate groups in Wisconsin.He pushes it on EVERYONE and that is what I believe is his wrong in all of this. Why worry about what others do? If we worry about our families and our friends that is one thing. He worries more about others than himself or anyone he should be close to. I will say no more than that...we all have our demons, so does he.
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