Today Ralph Ovadal, Pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church in Monroe, WI., and a group of about 20 met with over 25 Wisconsin Marriage Defenders. We flooded Oshkosh with tracts (reaching some 7,000 homes) that gave the truth about homosexuality and same-sex "marriage" as well as a gospel presentation (see them at:
We also picketed with signs containing scripture and other truths. You can see some of the signs at
The main group set up their picket on the corner near the old Wal Mart. A smaller group of us set up a secondary picket a block away. Someone mooned the main group. Too bad no one had a snowball ready to hit the target. Our group received 10-12 one-fingered salutes, several heckles, and one instance of two guys kissing.
It was cold while we were standing out there with the signs, but 90% of the reaction we got from passers-by was positive.
Ralph says he's gotten some 40+ hate calls as a result of our lit drop Saturday. He said it's the biggest reaction he's received outside of Madison. That tells us that we really hit a nerve here.
Apparently Oshkosh is more of a homosexual haven than we realized. A couple of the leaders of "Action Wisconsin" live here. One of them owns the art museum and the other - I know you'll never believe this, owns a beauty parlor - he's a hairdresser. Who would ever expect a homosexual activist to be a hairdresser?
It also might be because we've been pushing back. We've counter-protested at two of their rallies, and hosted our own (got better press coverage at *their* rallies), and now this lit drop and picket (with more planned). They know they have opposition in Oshkosh. They know this is where they have to fight back.
At 4:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've done my part.
You're going to have to reread your blog comments back to the time Al Gore invented the Internet.
What a dope, trying to kill the homo within! Just can't be done guy, no matter how many leaflets you pass out or comments you delete.
Silly Rabbit! LOL
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