
The "slippery slope" argument is that if we allow for homosexual marriage, we wil have no logical ground for preventing other immorality such as polygamy, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, and rape.
Without the Bible as our authority for right and wrong - anything goes. Society used to think abortion and sodomy were wrong, now they use our taxes to pay to promote those "alternate lifestyles" and "choices". Someday, perhaps sooner than we think, the same will apply to pedophilia (it already is to some degree), bestiality (they are trying in Massachusetts), and even rape (see below). What was considered wrong will be considered okay, if not preferred and protected.
For years I've claimed that rape will one day be considered an alternate "sexual orientation" and to prevent someone from practicing his "sexual orientation" would be a violation of his "civil rights".
This is one prediction I did not really expect to come true anytime soon, but it was a very effective argument against situational ethics, humanistic morality, or having anything but an absolute Bible as the final authority for right and wrong.
But it's getting closer than even I thought. Now we have courts contending for "bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism” (BDSM), which is very close to rape.
Brash homosexual Sen. Tim Carpenter mocked me for making the "slippery slope" argument at the Congressional hearing. But we can see ther slope is indeed more slippery than we thought.
Sado-Masochism Might be ‘Sexual Orientation’ says BC Human Rights Tribunal
By Hilary WhiteVANCOUVER, January 5, 2006 ( -
The BC Human Rights Tribunal is being asked to discover a new “sexual orientation.” The Vancouver Sun reported December 30, that a self-described “pagan” is accusing the Vancouver police of discrimination for refusing him a license to drive a limousine because of his involvement in the “bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism” (BDSM) underworld.
A Vancouver man, Peter Hayes, has accused the Vancouver police of illegal discrimination because of his involvement in BDSM. Hayes says that he lost a potential job as a limousine driver when police refused him a chauffeur's permit and has taken his case to the Human Rights Tribunal.
The Tribunal’s Lindsay M. Lyster wrote an 18 page preliminary decision saying that the complaint can go forward. She said that while she did not completely understand the “precise nature of Mr. Hayes' lifestyle, practices and preferences,” they ought to be investigated as to whether they fall under the definition of sexual orientation, and therefore of the protection of human rights legislation.
Lyster wrote that she did not understand the meaning “of the parties' use of the term BDSM or other related terms.” Despite this, she believed “that Mr. Hayes suffered an adverse impact as a result of the respondents' actions is, on the facts alleged, clear, as he was denied a chauffeur's permit and lost the opportunity to work.”
The police department said, “In our submission, sexual orientation is separate and distinct from preferences or behaviours while engaging in sex. The legislature has not gone so far as to prohibit discrimination on the basis of preferences or behaviour.”
The issue of legal protection for “sexual orientation,” however, is a vexed one since when such legislation was introduced, a clear definition was deliberately withheld.
Gwen Landolt, a family advocate and head of Real Women of Canada, told that no definition of the term can be found in Canadian law so it can and is used to provide legal protection to any sexual proclivity.
Landolt said, “That was the whole point when the legislation began to appear. ‘Orientation’ was left open so as to include pedophilia, bestiality or anything anyone wants.”
“This has been the goal of the homosexual movement from the start: to remove from the Canadian criminal code everything pertaining to sexual morality, and their favorite method is to use the Human Rights Tribunals. These tribunals are not run according to the standards of evidence and due process as the normal courts,” Landolt said.
Lyster wrote that the Tribunal should employ the opinion of “experts” to decide if Mr. Hayes’ sexual interests could be considered an “orientation.” Given the willingness of experts to approve of most sexual activities that had heretofore been considered sick or dangerous to past generations, it seems to Landolt that one more sexual deviation is about to be given legal protection in Canada.
Landolt said, “The same thing happened in Ontario with the so-called ‘transgendered.’ They were refused OHIP coverage for their surgeries and they went to the Human Rights Tribunals. Now we have seen it with the swinger’s clubs in Montreal, and previously with child pornography. You name it.”
(c) Copyright: is a production of Interim Publishing. Permission to republish is granted (with limitation*) but acknowledgement of source is *REQUIRED* (use

The "slippery slope" argument is that if we allow for homosexual marriage, we wil have no logical ground for preventing other immorality such as polygamy, incest, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, and rape.
Without the Bible as our authority for right and wrong - anything goes. Society used to think abortion and sodomy were wrong, now they use our taxes to pay to promote those "alternate lifestyles" and "choices". Someday, perhaps sooner than we think, the same will apply to pedophilia (it already is to some degree), bestiality (they are trying in Massachusetts), and even rape (see below). What was considered wrong will be considered okay, if not preferred and protected.
For years I've claimed that rape will one day be considered an alternate "sexual orientation" and to prevent someone from practicing his "sexual orientation" would be a violation of his "civil rights".
This is one prediction I did not really expect to come true anytime soon, but it was a very effective argument against situational ethics, humanistic morality, or having anything but an absolute Bible as the final authority for right and wrong.
But it's getting closer than even I thought. Now we have courts contending for "bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism” (BDSM), which is very close to rape.
Brash homosexual Sen. Tim Carpenter mocked me for making the "slippery slope" argument at the Congressional hearing. But we can see ther slope is indeed more slippery than we thought.
Sado-Masochism Might be ‘Sexual Orientation’ says BC Human Rights Tribunal
By Hilary WhiteVANCOUVER, January 5, 2006 ( -
The BC Human Rights Tribunal is being asked to discover a new “sexual orientation.” The Vancouver Sun reported December 30, that a self-described “pagan” is accusing the Vancouver police of discrimination for refusing him a license to drive a limousine because of his involvement in the “bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism” (BDSM) underworld.
A Vancouver man, Peter Hayes, has accused the Vancouver police of illegal discrimination because of his involvement in BDSM. Hayes says that he lost a potential job as a limousine driver when police refused him a chauffeur's permit and has taken his case to the Human Rights Tribunal.
The Tribunal’s Lindsay M. Lyster wrote an 18 page preliminary decision saying that the complaint can go forward. She said that while she did not completely understand the “precise nature of Mr. Hayes' lifestyle, practices and preferences,” they ought to be investigated as to whether they fall under the definition of sexual orientation, and therefore of the protection of human rights legislation.
Lyster wrote that she did not understand the meaning “of the parties' use of the term BDSM or other related terms.” Despite this, she believed “that Mr. Hayes suffered an adverse impact as a result of the respondents' actions is, on the facts alleged, clear, as he was denied a chauffeur's permit and lost the opportunity to work.”
The police department said, “In our submission, sexual orientation is separate and distinct from preferences or behaviours while engaging in sex. The legislature has not gone so far as to prohibit discrimination on the basis of preferences or behaviour.”
The issue of legal protection for “sexual orientation,” however, is a vexed one since when such legislation was introduced, a clear definition was deliberately withheld.
Gwen Landolt, a family advocate and head of Real Women of Canada, told that no definition of the term can be found in Canadian law so it can and is used to provide legal protection to any sexual proclivity.
Landolt said, “That was the whole point when the legislation began to appear. ‘Orientation’ was left open so as to include pedophilia, bestiality or anything anyone wants.”
“This has been the goal of the homosexual movement from the start: to remove from the Canadian criminal code everything pertaining to sexual morality, and their favorite method is to use the Human Rights Tribunals. These tribunals are not run according to the standards of evidence and due process as the normal courts,” Landolt said.
Lyster wrote that the Tribunal should employ the opinion of “experts” to decide if Mr. Hayes’ sexual interests could be considered an “orientation.” Given the willingness of experts to approve of most sexual activities that had heretofore been considered sick or dangerous to past generations, it seems to Landolt that one more sexual deviation is about to be given legal protection in Canada.
Landolt said, “The same thing happened in Ontario with the so-called ‘transgendered.’ They were refused OHIP coverage for their surgeries and they went to the Human Rights Tribunals. Now we have seen it with the swinger’s clubs in Montreal, and previously with child pornography. You name it.”
(c) Copyright: is a production of Interim Publishing. Permission to republish is granted (with limitation*) but acknowledgement of source is *REQUIRED* (use
At 11:17 AM,
T.G. said…
Deleted a porn ad
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