Thanks for the compliments!
If my enemies had kind things to say about me, I'd be concerned, but the sodomites are making sure there's no confusion.
{{ interesting because the only blogger in Oshkosh to openly support Paul -- and arguably the most most loathsome person in the city limits -- is a virulent homophobe. }}
The "MOST MOST LOATHSOME PERSON". Wow. That is rivaled only by Sen. Tim Carpenter calling me "Hitler".
But, a homophobe? I'm not scared of no sissy. The correct term is homonausea.
Here is another instance of flattery:
{{... alliance with local hate-mongering homophobe Teno Groppi }}
But this one is less accurate. I don't hate sodomites (and again, I don't fear them). I care about them enough to tell them the truth about their unhealthy, destructive, perverted lifestyle.
Thanks for the compliments!
If my enemies had kind things to say about me, I'd be concerned, but the sodomites are making sure there's no confusion.
{{ interesting because the only blogger in Oshkosh to openly support Paul -- and arguably the most most loathsome person in the city limits -- is a virulent homophobe. }}
The "MOST MOST LOATHSOME PERSON". Wow. That is rivaled only by Sen. Tim Carpenter calling me "Hitler".
But, a homophobe? I'm not scared of no sissy. The correct term is homonausea.
Here is another instance of flattery:
{{... alliance with local hate-mongering homophobe Teno Groppi }}
But this one is less accurate. I don't hate sodomites (and again, I don't fear them). I care about them enough to tell them the truth about their unhealthy, destructive, perverted lifestyle.
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