WMD on the MAP!
The queers have taken notice of the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders. Joshua Freker, Communications Director of the sodomite group Action WisconSIN, has featured us on his "Fair Wisconsin" blog (or should that be "Fairy Wisconsin"?).
One of the responses was posted by local lesbian, Kay Springstroh.
Kay remarked:
{{ I think that's our man Teno to the right of "John Wayne the Baptist" on the podium. So much for God is Love, apparently. }}
Yes Kay, that IS an exhibition of God's love. According to the Bible you are a lost sinner on your way to hell (as were we all prior to receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour). Not only that, you are living a DEATHstyle that kills most sodomites before age 40. Someone who is silent, or enables, condones, or supports your deadly "choice" and lets you risk killer diseases, early death, and eternal hell doesn't love you at all. They are the worst enemy you could ever have. Those of us who are willing to plainly point out the TRUTH to you are the ones who are concerned with your physical and spiritual well-being, even if you revile us for it.
It is an honor to be receiving publicity from the opposition. It's a confirmation that we are being heard and having an effect.
Here's the original:
1. Fair Wisconsin
Backers of the Ban - Wisconsin Marriage Defenders
But there are more! This one is from MINNESOTA:
2. Blog for the Wisconsin "Marriage Defenders"
They seem more unhinged than Michele Bachmann if that's possible. http://wismd.blogspot.com
Here's their Christmas Eve Post: Why Fight Homosexual Marriage? http://wismd.blogspot.com/2005/12/why-fight-homosexual-marriage.html
They also post the lyrics for a song - Ovedahl is Coming To Town: http://wismd.blogspot.com/2005/12/ovadal-is-coming-to-town.html
Here's another:
3. Aren't These Hateful People Just So Precious
TG: We don't hate them, as explained in the first letter and on http://wismd.blogspot.com/2006/03/wmd-on-map.html
Over on Action Wisconsin's blog today, I read an entry about a far-right (and that's being nice) group, the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders (do I hear trumpets blaring?), out of Oshkosh, focused on passing the constitutional amendment to ban marriage, civil unions, and any other generic term recognizing the existence of gay and lesbian couples and their families. Apparently, they have connections to the lovely Ralph Ovadal of the Pilgrims Covenant Church. Sounds sweet, don't it?
This group seems far more interested in the annihilation of gay people rather than solely keeping them from being able to be recognized. In fact, this group is so far out there that they actually have a poem about gay bashing on their blog. Their primary blogger, Teno Groppi, gave this lovely testimony at the joint hearing back in November.
Even more interesting is that at a 2004 rally for that ban, one of the speakers was our illustrious Mark Gundrum (R-New Berlin), the lead Assembly sponsor of the amendment. Also present was Rep. Carol Owens (R-Oshkosh), who is a cosponsor of the ban. I guess they have no problem associating themselves with people who think the next big Hollyood hit is going to be "Horseback Mountain."
They also did a leafleting "outreach" back in December. Here's what they said about their leafleting:
Wisconsin Marriage Defenders has arranged to team up with Pastor Ralph Ovadal to do a literature distribution and picket on 12-17-05. Doing this in the dead of winter will certainly catch the militant homosexuals asleep and unable to mount a counter attack.
With these being the faces of our opposition going into the campaign, things are going to get very, very interesting. posted by David Schowengerdt
And another:
4. The Hate Amendment, coming soon
TG: Again, we don't hate them, as explained in the first letter and on http://wismd.blogspot.com/2006/03/wmd-on-map.html
I do hope all of you are following the news from the Action Wisconsin team and their No on the Amendment! blog. The Assembly seems poised to vote on the amendment to write the ban on gay marriage into the state Constitution next Tuesday (this would be a good time to call your Assemblyperson).
They also have had a number of interesting articles up profiling real people, and a new series profiling the real scary people, including Channel 30 fixture (Makes Me) Ralph Ovadal and the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders. posted by Jay Bullock
And another:
Pam's House Blend
An Online Magazine in the Reality-Based Community.
5. Snippets and blogwhoring
* Eva says about Wisconsin Marriage Defenders: "They seem more unhinged than Michele Bachmann if that's possible."
And another:
6. Wisconsin Winger's Wacky Words
And another:
The Xoff Files - http://www.wisopinion.com/blogs/xofffiles.html
7. Know the enemy
Who are the most vociferous backers of a state constitutional ban on gay marriages and civil unions? Meet the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders.
And another:
Paul Soglin: Waxing America
8. How to Kick Wisconsin Right-Wing Butt
So I guess I'd like to know the difference between the Minnesota Citizens in Defense of Marriage or the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders and Fred Phelps of God Hates Fags.
TG: We don't hate them, as explained in the first letter and on http://wismd.blogspot.com/2006/03/wmd-on-map.html

The queers have taken notice of the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders. Joshua Freker, Communications Director of the sodomite group Action WisconSIN, has featured us on his "Fair Wisconsin" blog (or should that be "Fairy Wisconsin"?).
One of the responses was posted by local lesbian, Kay Springstroh.
Kay remarked:
{{ I think that's our man Teno to the right of "John Wayne the Baptist" on the podium. So much for God is Love, apparently. }}
Yes Kay, that IS an exhibition of God's love. According to the Bible you are a lost sinner on your way to hell (as were we all prior to receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour). Not only that, you are living a DEATHstyle that kills most sodomites before age 40. Someone who is silent, or enables, condones, or supports your deadly "choice" and lets you risk killer diseases, early death, and eternal hell doesn't love you at all. They are the worst enemy you could ever have. Those of us who are willing to plainly point out the TRUTH to you are the ones who are concerned with your physical and spiritual well-being, even if you revile us for it.
It is an honor to be receiving publicity from the opposition. It's a confirmation that we are being heard and having an effect.
Here's the original:
1. Fair Wisconsin
Backers of the Ban - Wisconsin Marriage Defenders
But there are more! This one is from MINNESOTA:
2. Blog for the Wisconsin "Marriage Defenders"
They seem more unhinged than Michele Bachmann if that's possible. http://wismd.blogspot.com
Here's their Christmas Eve Post: Why Fight Homosexual Marriage? http://wismd.blogspot.com/2005/12/why-fight-homosexual-marriage.html
They also post the lyrics for a song - Ovedahl is Coming To Town: http://wismd.blogspot.com/2005/12/ovadal-is-coming-to-town.html
Here's another:
3. Aren't These Hateful People Just So Precious
TG: We don't hate them, as explained in the first letter and on http://wismd.blogspot.com/2006/03/wmd-on-map.html
Over on Action Wisconsin's blog today, I read an entry about a far-right (and that's being nice) group, the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders (do I hear trumpets blaring?), out of Oshkosh, focused on passing the constitutional amendment to ban marriage, civil unions, and any other generic term recognizing the existence of gay and lesbian couples and their families. Apparently, they have connections to the lovely Ralph Ovadal of the Pilgrims Covenant Church. Sounds sweet, don't it?
This group seems far more interested in the annihilation of gay people rather than solely keeping them from being able to be recognized. In fact, this group is so far out there that they actually have a poem about gay bashing on their blog. Their primary blogger, Teno Groppi, gave this lovely testimony at the joint hearing back in November.
Even more interesting is that at a 2004 rally for that ban, one of the speakers was our illustrious Mark Gundrum (R-New Berlin), the lead Assembly sponsor of the amendment. Also present was Rep. Carol Owens (R-Oshkosh), who is a cosponsor of the ban. I guess they have no problem associating themselves with people who think the next big Hollyood hit is going to be "Horseback Mountain."
They also did a leafleting "outreach" back in December. Here's what they said about their leafleting:
Wisconsin Marriage Defenders has arranged to team up with Pastor Ralph Ovadal to do a literature distribution and picket on 12-17-05. Doing this in the dead of winter will certainly catch the militant homosexuals asleep and unable to mount a counter attack.
With these being the faces of our opposition going into the campaign, things are going to get very, very interesting. posted by David Schowengerdt
And another:
4. The Hate Amendment, coming soon
TG: Again, we don't hate them, as explained in the first letter and on http://wismd.blogspot.com/2006/03/wmd-on-map.html
I do hope all of you are following the news from the Action Wisconsin team and their No on the Amendment! blog. The Assembly seems poised to vote on the amendment to write the ban on gay marriage into the state Constitution next Tuesday (this would be a good time to call your Assemblyperson).
They also have had a number of interesting articles up profiling real people, and a new series profiling the real scary people, including Channel 30 fixture (Makes Me) Ralph Ovadal and the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders. posted by Jay Bullock
And another:
Pam's House Blend
An Online Magazine in the Reality-Based Community.
5. Snippets and blogwhoring
* Eva says about Wisconsin Marriage Defenders: "They seem more unhinged than Michele Bachmann if that's possible."
And another:
6. Wisconsin Winger's Wacky Words
And another:
The Xoff Files - http://www.wisopinion.com/blogs/xofffiles.html
7. Know the enemy
Who are the most vociferous backers of a state constitutional ban on gay marriages and civil unions? Meet the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders.
And another:
Paul Soglin: Waxing America
8. How to Kick Wisconsin Right-Wing Butt
So I guess I'd like to know the difference between the Minnesota Citizens in Defense of Marriage or the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders and Fred Phelps of God Hates Fags.
TG: We don't hate them, as explained in the first letter and on http://wismd.blogspot.com/2006/03/wmd-on-map.html
At 5:46 PM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
If I am going to hell, I have only three words: "See you there!"
At 4:33 PM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
duh! I knew you were going to say that, and next you will be telling me that I need to accept Jesus.
I got news for you: I am a born again Christian and have been since early 2004. I was baptized in Lake Winnebago last year.
Realize that we are all sinners YOURSELF included. Be honest about that.
I am going to hell, essentially because you told me. Simple as that. See you there because I am damned for a sin I did not commit and it aint going nowhere dude!
It took me a LONG time to realize that!
At 5:20 PM,
T.G. said…
<< Realize that we are all sinners YOURSELF included. Be honest about that. >>
I've never denied that.
<< I am going to hell, essentially because you told me. Simple as that. >>
I never told you any such thing.
<< See you there because I am damned for a sin I did not commit and it aint going nowhere dude! >>
If you trusted Christ you're no longer damned for any sin. Your own comments make me question your profession of faith.
As for it being for a sin you did not commit, there are two things. One is that you admitted you were a sinner anyway, so that makes no difference.
The other is inherited traits. I inherited potential hypertension and diabetes, as well as a bad hip and weak stomach lining from my parents & grandparents. I didn't do anything wrong to get those things. They are part of the sin curse which brought on suffering and death.
Like it or not, that's just the way it is. We're born with the curse of sin. Thank God Jesus came to bear our sins on Himself so we could ultimately escape their consequences.
<< It took me a LONG time to realize that! >>
To realize what? That because it was a sin you didn't commit means you think you're going nowhere?
It doesn't sound like you believe in hell. What were you "born again" from in 2004?
At 2:18 PM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
1: I do not think I have to put it point blank
2: It's none of your damn buisness!
You could question my profession as much as you want, but when I die I know where I am going.
End of story.
At 3:46 PM,
T.G. said…
1: I do not think I have to put it point blank
Yes you do. You made the accusation.
2: It's none of your damn buisness!
You made it an issue. You made it my business.
<< You could question my profession as much as you want, but when I die I know where I am going. >>
So where is that and why?
At 6:50 PM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
I am not going to hell, but most do because I am bi. There is nothing wrong with me at all, and reading some of the other posts (some of which are incredibly disgusting and beside the point and more than enough to freak just about anyone out-yeah by the way what's the point with disgusting graphic stuff man?) makes me wonder about you!
At 7:20 AM,
T.G. said…
<< I am not going to hell, but most do because I am bi. There is nothing wrong with me at all, >>
You might not go to hell for being bi, but you're certainly not pleasing God.
Romans 1:26-27 For this cause God gave them up unto VILE AFFECTIONS: for even their *women* did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And *likewise* also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
<< and reading some of the other posts (some of which are incredibly disgusting and beside the point and more than enough to freak just about anyone out-yeah by the way what's the point with disgusting graphic stuff man?) makes me wonder about you! >>
The disgusting parts are simply descriptions of what homosexuality actually is. You have just unwittingly admitted that homosexuality is a disgusting abomination. Thank you.
At 5:39 PM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
I think it's that the descriptions are gross, I am not into that stuff and when you make the broad assumation that all do it it's rather harmful. I like girls, sure but would I be interested in that??? Geez! There's more to life than sex, even with my own!!!!
I got better things to do!
An abomination? Technically yes, but the strings attached with the word abomination means that it's wrong. in the dictionary it says that it causes such said disgust, but we as people have changed it's meaning to be much more than what is written.
Be careful with your words.
At 8:55 AM,
T.G. said…
<< I think it's that the descriptions are gross >>
They sure are, but that's the point.
<< when you make the broad assumation that all do it it's rather harmful. >>
I didn't make that assumption. 80%-90% of homosexuals do that stuff according to the Kinsey report. Kinsey is one of the most notorious pro-sodomites of all time and he got those percentages by interviewing other homosexuals.
<< An abomination? Technically yes, ... Be careful with your words. >>
It wasn't my word, it was God's word. He said same-sex relations were an abomination.
At 11:39 AM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
well, is it supposed to make me puke & decide to turn away?
At 7:38 AM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
no, I am asking you-is it supposed to? What do you hope to accomplish by that? Are you shutting out the other 15% or so?
I think that you might be.
At 12:36 PM,
AngelAiken AKA Thee U.M.O.G said…
I saw the light from God this weekend and I close the matter by saying so. He has given me the truth on my life and I live for him, follow him, it does not change me, but I know now what I do.
At 2:07 PM,
T.G. said…
I saw the light from God this weekend ... He has given me the truth on my life
If you got light from God, it certainly *should* change you.
Being a lesbian, or supporting the sodomite agenda is not God's truth or light. If that's what you got, it was not from God.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of *light*.
At 11:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
methinks that even Teno needs to change. Has much anger.
Troll Yoda has suggestions but knows it is not wise to speak.
Troll Yoda
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