Wisconsin Politician of the Year
Atty Gen J.B. Van Hollen won't defend domestic partnerships law
"When the people have spoken by amending our Constitution, I will abide by their command," said Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen. "When policymakers have ignored their words, I will not."
TG: Of course the queers have thrown a hissy fit because a politician is actually upholding the law.
WI Attorney General JB Van Hollen: homophobic?
Just to be clear... the role of the Attorney General is to enforce the law as it was passed by the legislature. Basically, defending this law is his job. Clearly, he's been brainwashed.
TG: His job is to uphold the Wisconson State Constitution which forbids homosexual marriage or legal status substantially similar (which it obviously is or this would not be a controversy). He is doing his job. It's Doyle and the legislature who are violating the law.
Not long ago, Van Hollen also defended the Wisconsin State Constitution in upholding the right of gun owners to open-carry. We have a politician who is actually adhering to the Constitution. That's so rare these days that the liberals are having seizures and strokes because of him.
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