The chronicles of the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005



Canada new destination of choice for pedophiles?

High court ruling legalized group-sex clubs with 14-year-olds

December 27, by James L. Lambert© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

The Canadian Supreme Court ruling that redefined obscenity for that nation and legalized group-sex clubs, combined with Canada's unusually low age of consent – 14 – will result in an influx of pedophiles to America's neighbor to the north, contends a former consultant to the U.S. Justice Department.

Judith Reisman, former consultant to three U.S. administrations, a world-renowned scholar and author of four books, including "Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences," said that since under Canadian law 14-year-olds are legally considered "consenting adults," the court's controversial decision "will now make Canada a sex traffic playground for pedophiles." She adds that the court's decision sends a clear message to pedophiles: "You don't have to go to Asia anymore. Pedophiles can have the blond, blue-eyed kids in Canada, too."

TG: Will an article like this be written about OSHKOSH, Wisconsin in a few years?

NOT if the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders can help it!

Monday, December 26, 2005



Here is Pastor Ovadal's account of our recent literature distribution.


Oshkosh by Invitation

On Saturday, December 17, PCC brought literature, signs, and workers to Oshkosh to join local Christians in lit dropping that city with Homosexuality: The Truth and our marriage flyer. In spite of cold weather and plenty of snow, we lit dropped about 6,500 homes! Oshkosh is a stronghold for the sodomite political group Action Wisconsin and is home to a very pro-sodomite newspaper. A local group of Christians, Wisconsin Marriage Defenders, has been courageously taking on the sodomites, with the local media siding strongly with New Sodom. We were happy to be in Oshkosh in answer to the request of WMD and join with them in bypassing the media and reaching a multitude of Oshkosh residents with the truth about homosexuality, the proposed marriage amendment, and a strong gospel message as well. After our lit drop, we also set up, at two different busy intersections, signs and banners bearing the biblical truth about homosexuality. The first few days after our outing in Oshkosh, PCC received an avalanche of obscene, threatening, blasphemous phone calls from that city, confirming that the truth we shared was badly needed. Please pray for the Christians in Oshkosh who are taking their stand under a banner of biblical truth.

Saturday, December 24, 2005



The question often is posed, "Why do you care if homosexuals marry? What harm does it do to traditional marriage or society?"

Here are some answers:

How the Homosexual Agenda Harms Society


Of traditional marriage, family, home life.

* Increase in illegitimate children, decrease in legitimate ones.
* Unknown numbers of parents, grandparents, siblings, and step-siblings.
* Children without mother and father for parents.
* Monogamy very rare among homosexuals.
* Divorce will become even more common as marriage is diluted.
* Ultimate destruction of the human race, since homosexuals cannot reproduce.


Of other perversion, even if they claim they’re not seeking it. If we redefine marriage as other than what it has always been, one man and one woman, there is no logical reason to prohibit:

Polygamy (GRP #S8)
Prostitution (GRP #S3)
Incest (GRP #S2)
Bestiality http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47416
Pedophilia (GRP #S7, NAMBLA).


Public Government and Private Business

* Giving government authority over marriage (GRP #F1, 2, & 3).
* Tax breaks to innumerous marriage & family configurations (GRP #F4).
* Mandated teaching of new configurations as normal (GRP #F6).
* Equal time given to all the various relationships (GRP #F6).
* Equal adoption rights for all the various relationships (GRP #S5).
* Adoptive & foster parents will have to accept all the various configurations (GRP #S5).
* Incredible increase in Social Security benefit payouts to partners (GRP #F1, #S8)).
* Incredible increase in health care benefits to partners and dependents (GRP #S4, #S8).
* Onerous burden on businesses to provide for partners, resulting in lower profits, pay cuts and job losses (GRP #S4, #S8).
* Further dilution of marriage as more will “marry” for these benefits.
* Burden of medical costs for STDs like AIDS shifted to general population (GRP #F8).

Toleration (?):

* Once U.S. makes switch, rest of world will follow.
* Switch from absolute standards to current opinion.
* Preaching against it will be a prosecutable "hate crime" violation of civil rights.
* The Bible will be considered "hate literature".

(GRP=Gay Rights Platform of 1972 F=Federal level S=State level)


While homosexuals comprise only about 2% of the population (National Opinion Research Center, Journal of Sex Research), they are responsible for upwards of a third or more of all sexual molestations of children. Six studies (http://www.traditionalvalues.org/urban/one.php) indicated between 22% and 40%.
See GRP #S3, S7, & S8.


One of the most compelling articles to dispel the notion that homosexuality is genetically determined, fixed, and unchangeable is: "The Innate-Immutable Argument Finds No Basis in Science: In Their Own Words: Gay Activists Speak About Science, Morality, Philosophy," by Drs. A. Dean Byrd, Shirley Cox, and Jeffrey W. Robinson. This essay is published on the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality web site.

Homosexual researcher Dean Hamer, attempted to link male homosexuality to a bit of DNA located at the tip of the X chromosome. He has written: "Homosexuality is not purely genetic … environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay . . . I don't think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay."

Homosexual researcher Simon LeVay, who studied the hypothalamic differences between the brains of homosexual and heterosexual men noted: "I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn't show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain."

Sexual Abuse By Same-Sex Predator: In studies conducted by Diana Shrier and Robert Johnson in 1985 and 1988, males who had been sexually abused as children were almost seven times as likely as non-molested boys to become homosexuals… 49% of homosexuals surveyed had been molested compared to less than 2% of heterosexuals.


In the first place, they are not seeking civil rights - they have the same marriage rights as normal people. They want special privileges and recognition because they are sodomites.

Michelangelo Signorile, stated that homosexuals should, "...fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution of marriage completely … transform the notion of 'family' altogether." (Out! magazine, Dec./Jan., 1994)

Five other prominent homosexual leaders with similar sentiments quoted at http://www.traditionalvalues.org/urban/eight.php


Federal level

6. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by Gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.

8. Federal funding of aid programs of Gay men's and women's organizations designed to alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an oppressive sexist society.

State level

2. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons… (TG: INCEST)

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons (TG: PROSTITUTION)

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent. (TG: PEDOPHILIA)

8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit, and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers. (TG: POLYGAMY)



Our literature drop and picket has already spurred much reaction from the militant sodomites and their supporters.

Bro. Ovadal said he's received over 40 phone calls, and they were the most obscene, vulgar, and vile of any outside of Madison (apparently the homosexual advocates are not the tolerant bunch they pretend to be). Recognizing that Oshkosh is more of a homo-haven than we realized, Ralph has decided to make it a target himself. So we can expect more joint efforts in the Oshkosh area.

You can listen to Pastor Ovadal's account of the reaction at http://www.theheartofthematteronline.com/. Listen to the 12-24-05 program.

Ralph omitted the vile calls, like one making vulgar sexual comments about Jesus Christ, but here is a sampling of some of the cleaner ones:

From a woman claiming to be a Christian and said she gets along well with God:

"God thinks you guys are a bunch of Nazis. ... I've filed a complaint with the post office and my lawyer. Have a very nice, non-judgmental, holiday." (What? No "Christmas"?)

From another irate woman:

"(Your literature is) ridiculous! It is a right for a homosexual to get married! ... There's no reason for this type of propaganda. It's unacceptable and it should be illegal what you're doing instead of what you're trying to get stopped. ... If I find any more of this stuff on my porch, there will be sad consequences." (TG: We're shaking in fear!)

TG: It is a right for a person to marry somone of the opposite sex, not the same sex. Homosexuals have the same rights as everyone else.

This "loving, tolerant" woman wants to make free speech illegal.

From an upset man:

"(You're) not welcome in the state of Wisconsin. I hope you know that Jesus hates you."

TG: This man was speaking for the whole state of Wisconsin? Governer Doyle! Welcome to Oshkosh!

Another upset man prattled on and on:

"(You're) as ugly as the KKK. I look foreward to the day when that kind of thing is deemed to be treason and the appropriate penalty is meted out. I think God in His wrath would reach the same conclusion, and if He does, can I watch the hanging?"

TG: What a meek, tolerant, loving individual! He considers free speech to be "treason" (except his own, of course) and wants to watch our hanging.

Also, WMD member Al Doyle (no relation to Gov. Jim), received a call at his home from none other than local homosexual advocate from "Queers on the Water", Michael Kahl. Kahl is a local beautician who owns a beauty salon. Can you believe it - a homosexual hairdresser?

Kahl immediately, and often, identified himself as a "gay man". We would never have known from his profession and his lisp. He insisted that no homosexuals are pedophiles or have committed bestiality. He's never known NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Ass'n) to be in a homosexual parade. He thought Al was lucky that the Northwestern printed his "lies". While I'm sure a slew of Catholic priests would dispute that no sodomites are pedophiles, Kahl has been challenged to REPUDIATE those who commit incest, pedophila, and bestiality and thus far has refused.

Whenever the connection between sodomy to incest, pedophilia, or bestiality is mentioned, the sodomites shriek - but they wil not REPUDIATE those things, or the groups that advocate those things.

As for NAMBLA's connection to the homosexual community, one need only check their website, http://www.nambla.org/.

"Freedom is indivisible. The liberation of children, women, boy-lovers, and homosexuals in general, can occur only as complementary facets of the same dream."

"Pederasty is the main form that male homosexuality has acquired throughout Western civilization"

"The first gay journal in the world - Der Eigene, ... was a pederast and anarchist journal "for male culture"

Friday, December 23, 2005



We need to look at what terms are appropriate and accurate to use when describing homosexuals. We don't want to use unnecessarily derisive terms, although simply calling them what they are might be construed as derisive. OTOH, we don't want to use inaccurate terms. Let's look at a few common terms:

GAY: This good word has been co-opted and redefined by the homosexual lobby. In reality we at WMD are 100% in favor of "gay marriages". Everyone ought to have a "gay marriage".

Here's Webster's 1828 definition:

GAY, a.
1. Merry; airy; jovial; sportive; frolicksome. It denotes more life and animation than cheerful.
Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay.
2. Fine; showy; as a gay dress.
3. Inflamed or merry with liquor; intoxicated; a vulgar use of the word in America.

Notice that back then the vulgar use of the word referred to a drunk! Even the vulgar use had nothing to do with homosexuality.

Webster's 1913

GAY, a.
Excited with merriment; manifesting sportiveness or delight; inspiring delight; livery; merry.
Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay. Pope.
Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed. Gray.
2. Brilliant in colors; splendid; fine; richly dressed.
Why is my neighbor's wife so gay? Chaucer.
A bevy of fair women, richly gay In gems and wanton dress Milton.
3. Loose; dissipated; lewd. [Colloq.] Syn. -- Merry; gleeful; blithe; airy; lively; sprightly, sportive; light-hearted; frolicsome; jolly; jovial; joyous; joyful; glad; showy; splendid; vivacious.

Very much the same as the first definition. Thus we see that the word GAY has been totally corrupted in referring to homosexuals. The word has nothing in common with what it has been corrupted into. Homosexuals are not necessarily gay (statistics show quite the opposite, they have incredibly high rates of suicide) and gay people are not homosexual. The word GAY is totally INACCURATE in reference to homosexuals. We refuse to aid in the corruption of the word and will not use it to refer to homosexuals unless it's in something we are quoting.

Homosexuals call heterosexuals "straight". The opposite of straight is not gay. Antonyms (opposites) for straight include; crooked, twisted, devious, warped, perverted, unusual, or queer.

QUEER: As seen above, this is a much more accurate term.

Webster's 1828

Odd; singular; hence, whimsical.

Webster's 1939

1. At variance with what is usual or normal; differing in some odd way from what is ordinary; odd; singular; strange; whimsical; as, a queer story or act. A queer look." W. Irving.

This term is thought to be derisive, but not only is it ACCURATE, it is accepted by the homosexual community. The most infamous militant homosexual advocacy group called themselves "QUEER NATION". The prominent homosexual group here in Oshkosh calls themselves "QUEERS on the WATER" or "QUEER H2O".

If the rationalization for using the word gay is that it's the word accepted by homosexuals themselves, then the same rationale says the word QUEER is perfectly acceptable, since they also use that term themselves. QUEER is a term that is acceptable to both sides.

PERVERT: Also accurate as seen above, but currently a derisive term. Although accurate, we prefer the term QUEER, since it is accurate and accepted by homosexuals.

PERVERT', v.t. [L. perverto; per and verto, to turn.] , propriety, or from its proper purpose; to distort from its true use or end; as, to pervert reason by misdirecting it; to pervert the laws by misinterpreting and misapplying them; to pervert justice; to pervert the meaning of an author; to pervert nature; to pervert truth.
2. To turn from the right; to corrupt.

HOMOSEXUAL: This is the clinical term for one having sex with another of the same sex. It is also acceptable to both sides. it is a rather long word, and in writing an author doesn't want to use the same word redundantly. Unfortunately shortening it to HOMO is usually looked on as a derision, so the better alternative is QUEER.


1 : of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2 : of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

SODOMITE: This is the biblcal term and absolutely is valid no matter who might not approve.

Webster's 1828 and 1913

Sod"om*ite, n.
1. An inhabitant of Sodom.
2. One guilty of sodomy.

Webster's 1913

Sod"om*y, n. Carnal copulation in a manner against nature; buggery. Gen. 19:5. <- can we be more explicit? ->

Gen 19:5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. (know = carnally, physically)

Homosexuals have tried to make the crime of sodomy something other than the obvious, but anyone who can read the 6th grade English of the King James Bible knows the plain meaning.

Deut 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

This verse has obvious sexual connotations. They were not referred to as sodomites because the lived in Sodom - these lived in Israel. They were not caled sodomites bcause they were inhospitable. They were called sodomites because they committed sexual perversion.

Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

The sodomites left the NATURAL use of the opposite sex (see Romans 1) and went after STRANGE flesh. There is no question that sodomy refers to sexual perversion. The only dispute is how far does the definition go? Some definitions limit sodomy to same-sex relations, some definitions include the same acts (oral, anal) even if done by the opposite sex.

The Bible says the "marriage bed is undefiled", but it also speaks of the "natural use of the woman". Most believe that the woman herself IS the "natural use" and the acts can be whatever they desire, since the marriage bed is undefiled. Some believe only vaginal intercourse is the natural use.

Sodomites want to DEFILE the marriage bed by having homosexual acts which, by definition, are "going after STRANGE flesh" and cannot qualify as "marriage".

While we're on this point:

Webster's 1828

MAR'RIAGE, n. [L.mas, maris.] The act of uniting a man and woman for life; wedlock; the legal union of a man and woman for life. Marriage is a contract both civil and religious, by which the parties engage to live together in mutual affection and fidelity, till death shall separate them. Marriage was instituted by God himself for the purpose of preventing the promiscuous intercourse of the sexes, for promoting domestic felicity,and for securing the maintenance and education of children.

Webster's 1913

Mar"riage, n.
1. The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, as husband and wife; wedlock; matrimony.

Even the first definition of the current Merriam-Webster notes:

1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law



This is the official blogsite of the Oshkosh-based Wisconsin Marriage Defenders group.

The URL is http://wismd.blogspot.com. WMD was already taken, as was WiMD, so I had to settle for WisMD. I wanted to make it as short and easy as possible.

We stand for the traditional biblical family of one man married to one woman.

We are involved in local efforts to expose the surreptitious desires of the homosexual movement, and their efforts to destroy the family concept.

We've counter-protested at two Action Wisconsin rallies (Oshkosh & Green Bay), sponsored our own pro-family rally (Oshkosh), been interviewed in print and television media (all around the Fox Valley), done a literature distribution reaching 7,000 homes in Oshkosh, and picketed in favor of traditional marriage.

We have much more planned for the future.

If you've never been to this blog before, you might want to scroll to the bottom and read your way up to see things as they occurred.

We've tried to give the truth without being unnecessarily offensive, but we realize this is a volatile issue and some people will take offense no matter what.


Jared Longsine, Dick Ives, and Al Doyle have had recent letters in our local pile of liberal propaganda:



and the sodomites have slithered out to reply.






Here's my letter, which they have so far refused to print:

Dear Editor,

Homosexual advocate Michael Kaul suggested that we look at the problem of homosexual marriage "rationally".

Despite the fact that the term “homosexual marriage” is an oxymoron that rivals “civil war”, “united nations”, or “government intelligence”, I took up Michael's offer. I looked up the "Gay Rights Platform", which was sponsored by over 85 homosexual groups and read into the Congressional Record. It's the nearest thing to an official position of the homosexual community.

I was shocked to see that the mainstream homosexual community has no intention of just settling for the right to force society to recognize their relationships as marriages. Their Platform has planks calling for the legalization of such abominations as prostitution, incest, and even pedophilia (adult-child sex)!

I then challenged outspoken homosexual State Senator Tim Carpenter (Milwaukee) four times to repudiate those things, and he has smugly refused. Thus far, Kaul has also refused to speak publicly against these vile practices. I'm not aware that local liberal advocate Tony Palmeri has decried them either. They shriek in disdain that we dare to point these things out - but they absolutely refuse to actually denounce incest, pedophilia, or even bestiality.

Anyone who cannot openly and publicly repudiate sex between a father and a daughter, or a man and a boy, or a woman and a dog, has no business telling anybody else to behave "rationally".

If we allow homosexual marriage, we already know what will be coming next. We need to stop their assault on morality now.


Today Ralph Ovadal, Pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church in Monroe, WI., and a group of about 20 met with over 25 Wisconsin Marriage Defenders. We flooded Oshkosh with tracts (reaching some 7,000 homes) that gave the truth about homosexuality and same-sex "marriage" as well as a gospel presentation (see them at: http://www.pccmonroe.org/Homosexuality/Truth.htm).

We also picketed with signs containing scripture and other truths. You can see some of the signs at http://www.pccmonroe.org/Newsletters.htm

The main group set up their picket on the corner near the old Wal Mart. A smaller group of us set up a secondary picket a block away. Someone mooned the main group. Too bad no one had a snowball ready to hit the target. Our group received 10-12 one-fingered salutes, several heckles, and one instance of two guys kissing.

It was cold while we were standing out there with the signs, but 90% of the reaction we got from passers-by was positive.


Ralph says he's gotten some 40+ hate calls as a result of our lit drop Saturday. He said it's the biggest reaction he's received outside of Madison. That tells us that we really hit a nerve here.

Apparently Oshkosh is more of a homosexual haven than we realized. A couple of the leaders of "Action Wisconsin" live here. One of them owns the art museum and the other - I know you'll never believe this, owns a beauty parlor - he's a hairdresser. Who would ever expect a homosexual activist to be a hairdresser?

It also might be because we've been pushing back. We've counter-protested at two of their rallies, and hosted our own (got better press coverage at *their* rallies), and now this lit drop and picket (with more planned). They know they have opposition in Oshkosh. They know this is where they have to fight back.


Wisconsin Marriage Defenders has arranged to team up with Pastor Ralph Ovadal to do a literature distribution and picket on 12-17-05. Doing this in the dead of winter will certainly catch the militant homosexuals asleep and unable to mount a counter attack. Dick Ives was the coordinator. We expect a group of about a dozen with Ralph, and hopefully that many from WMD.

Since it is almost Christmas, here is a popular tune to announce Bro. Ovadal's arrival:

You'd better watch out,
You're going to cry,
Get ready to pout,
I'm telling you why,
Ovadal is coming to town.

He hears your lisp,
He knows of your vice,
He knows that you've been naughty, not nice,
Ovadal is coming to town.

He sees with whom you're sleeping,
He knows of your mistake,
He knows that you've been bad or worse,
So get saved for Jesus' sake.

Oh, you'd better watch out,
You're going to cry,
Get ready to pout,
I'm telling you why,
Ovadal is coming to town.

The gay boys in the bathhouse fear,
The Ovadal mystique,
And now they fear another foe,
Called WMD (double-you em dee),

Oh, you'd better watch out,
You're going to cry,
Get ready to pout,
I'm telling you why,
Ovadal is coming,
Ovadal is coming,
Ovadal is coming,
To town!


This is the three minutes that make Senator Carpenter so uncomfortable:

Teno Groppi Oshkosh, WI
Wisconsin Marriage Defenders

Many homosexual advocates say all they want is to allow people who love each other to be able to marry - and who could be against that?

They claim they’re not in favor of some of the more frightening things we’re concerned that this will lead to, like polygamy, incest, or pedophilia, but a few things put the lie to that claim.

First, if loving people should be able to marry, what if a brother and sister wanted to marry? How about a brother and a brother? Or cousins? A father and a daughter? What if a dozen people all wanted to marry each other? Homosexuals want to support marriage allowance exceptions for themselves, but not for all these other situations. Why, the intolerant bigots! Those hypocrites!

Worse yet, the “Gay Rights Platform”, which was proposed by over 85 “gay” rights groups, and read into the Congressional Record (if anything is the official position of gay rights advocates, this is it), wants to do away with laws against prostitution, laws against incest, and even laws against adult-CHILD sex. They will NOT stop at just homosexual marriage, they’ve admitted they want prostitution, incest, pedophilia, and other perversions to follow. If we spank a kid they call it child abuse, but they want to legalize sex with children and promote it as normal.

Homosexuals say they simply want equal rights. They HAVE equal rights. They have the same rights as the rest of us, free speech, religious liberty, the right to bear arms, the right to a speedy trial, and all the rest, including the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. They’re not seeking equal rights, they’re after special privileges.

They don’t simply want the right to practice their lifestyle. If they did, it would never become a public issue, because most of us avoid contact with that lifestyle. The only way their sexuality becomes an issue is when they try to shove it down our throats and force us to accept it. If we don’t stand against homosexual “marriage” now, we WILL be battling against prostitution, incest, and pedophilia next.

Congressmen, when you vote on AJR67/SJR53, remember, whether you want to be or not, you are voting on whether to open the doors not only to homosexual “marriage”, but to incest, prostitution, and child-sex, according to the Gay Rights Platform itself. Don’t support these perversions. Allow these bills to be voted on by the citizens of Wisconsin.

Thank you.


Photo of unabashed sodomite, Wisconsin State Senator, Tim Carpenter (Milwaukee).

Today I went to Madison (AKA Madtown), WI, our State Capital to testify at the Congressional hearing for the "One man/one woman marriage" bill sponsored by Sen. Mark Gundrum (who spoke at our rally last year).

In WI a proposed amendment to the Constitution must be passed twice before it goes to a public vote. This will be the second time. Sen. Tim Carpenter is the homosexual who is spearheading the opposition. Last year he made an ass of himself, almost climbing the table to scream at Al Doyle, who used the unfair and hateful tactic of quoting FACTS from sources like the far-right NY Times.

Realizing he hurt his own cause with his outburst (which still causes Al to have nightmares - he might have gotten blood on himself if he had to knock Tim back to his own side of the table), Sen. Carpenter was much more reserved this year. In fact he only had a vein-popping reaction to one speaker this year (out of nearly 300). I was honored to be the one to cause his discomfort.

As soon as I finished my brief testimony (printed below), the sodomite Senator went on a tirade. He accused me of being a "Hitler" who would round up his people and gas them, because I made the "slippery slope" allusion that legalizing sodomy will bring on incest, polygamy, prostitution, and pedophilia (what the connection was between pointing out those facts and Hitler, I still don't know). He equated me with some other similar despots, maybe Saddam, I'm not sure, I was so satisfied to be insulted by him that I didn't notice which other names he called me (I always do my best to make sure I have the right friends and the right enemies). He blubbered about being "greatly offended" (of course I shouldn't have been offended that he called me 'Hitler'). He had absolutely no response to any of the points I made, so he was forced to resort to name-calling and insults.

One of the first things he said was that I didn't have documentation for my claims. We only had three minutes to speak, so I didn't have time to give all the documentation in my testimony (and neither did most anybody else, but no one else was charged to back his claims), but I had several copies of the sheet with all the documentation on it. I pulled one out and said, "Oh yes I do. Want a copy?" The Senate page passed them out to each member of the committee as Carpenter steamed.

Then he berated me for making the claims that legalized sodomy will lead to incest, prostitution, and pedophilia, but I reminded him that they were not my claims, they were the stated goals of the "Gay Rights Platform". I challenged the Sodomite Senator to prove he wasn't for those things by sponsoring legislation to keep such abominations illegal. He prattled that he would consider such legislation. I will be sure to write him and continue to insist he do so, or expose him as an even bigger liar than he has already been shown to be.

I have never been so thrilled at being insulted in my life. Considering the source, it might have been the highest compliment I've ever received. Kip Zeimer, Jerry Fox, and Dick Ives also made some outstanding points. Kip gave the statistics that the average death age of homosexuals is only 40, and only 2% live past 65. When asked by Carpenter if he believed homosexuals were born that way, Kip said they chose to be homosexual and offered the evidence that many got out of the queer lifestyle after receiving Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Dick began by saying he loved homosexuals enough to tell them the truth - which he proceeded to do.


Here is the transcript of my comments as moderator of the WMD Rally:

Good afternoon and welcome to the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders Pro Family Rally! I’m Teno Groppi and we’re here to stand against the encroachment upon the traditional American institution of marriage. We have a great rally lined up, with State Representatives Mark Gundrum and Carol Owens, Family Research Institute Director Julaine Appling, and popular patriotic speaker Dr. Gene Howard. We’re here to support the bills and representatives who advocate traditional marriage and to send a message to Madison that Wisconsin supports traditional marriage. A number of us, including myself, Terry Knutson, Richard Ives, Kip Zeimer, Ron Burns, and others, were spurred to action because of rallies put on by Action Wisconsin and a group called “Queers on the Water” earlier this summer. They are boldly invading our community and we must answer the bell and fight back.

Let’s open our rally with prayer by Dr. Howard and our national anthem, sung by Mrs. Janis Hammond:

A crowd like this is exactly why we support legislation on the State and local level. The Supreme Court, President, and Congress in Washington could hardly care about several hundred at a rally in Oshkosh, but our State level representatives have to care about a crowd like this. I wish more of our representatives were like Mark Gundrum and we could trust them to do right without having to beg them with letters, calls, emails, or rallies, but unfortunately many legislators lack that kind of character and we have to hold their feet to the fire with these things.

Now let’s enjoy a patriotic number:

Before I introduce our first speaker, I want to say a few words about the one area we may have some disagreement, and if the speakers want to give differing views, that’s fine, you can make up your own mind. That’s how America is supposed to work.

What we might disagree on is how to handle family and marriage issues at the Federal level. We’re all strongly supportive of our state efforts, like AJR-66 (more later), but I am one who is against a Federal amendment for several reasons. It would require approval of 3/4 the States and a 2/3 majority vote in Congress. It would give the far-away Federal gov’t more authority over our personal lives. Even if they defined marriage properly now, if we ever got an administration headed by President Kerry or Hillary, they would take that same authority we gave them and try to use it against us. A much better alternative on the Federal level was just exercised with the Hostetler bill which used an existing provision of the Constitution to limit courts so they can’t force states to accept homosexual marriages from other states.

It only requires a normal majority vote in Congress and uses our checks and balances system to limit the invasion of gov’t into family matters rather than allowing the Federal gov’t to grow even more intrusive. The Constitution is not the problem, the rouge courts are. They ignore the Amendments we already have - don’t expect them to heed a new one.

This same technique could be used to write better bills to prevent courts from ruling for homosexual marriages altogether, without all the trouble ands risk of a Federal amendment. If we struggle to get half of Congress to pass a Hostetler-type bill, why would we think we could get a 2/3 vote for a Federal amendment, unless they had an ulterior motive, such as accumulating power at the Federal level? The State gov’t is much closer to Wisconsin citizens than the federal gov’t in Washington is, and several hundred voters speak much more loudly to local officials than Federal ones. We don’t want a cure that’s potentially as dangerous as the disease.

To change gears now ...

Someone said there was a sign here earlier in the week that asked, “What’s wrong with homosexual marriage?” And if that sign is still here, leave it up, because we’re about to get some answers to that from our opening speaker. We’re thrilled to have with us today a tireless crusader for family values. Julaine Appling is the Executive Director of the Family Research Institute and she has a program on WVCY radio, 690 AM in Oshkosh and 107.7 FM from Milwaukee. Here’s our opening speaker, Julaine Appling …

Thank you for such eye-opening facts Julaine. I trust many of us heard some things we haven’t heard before. At this time let’s hear another musical number …

We’re very happy to have some State legislators on hand this afternoon, the first to speak will be Rep. Carol Owens. She and Carol Roessler took a verbal pounding at the “Queers on the Water” rally, and I’m glad one of the Carols is here to have her chance to speak back. Carol Roessler couldn’t make it because she has to tend to medical needs of one of her parents, certainly a valid reason to a pro-family forum. She was mocked for not having good family values because she’s been divorced, but can I tell you one big difference is that she is not advocating divorce as something wonderful and recommending it for others. But the pro-homosexual group is advocating their ‘value’ as something that ought to be promoted to society. Carol Owens doesn’t promote that kind of warped ‘value’ either, in fact she’s a co-sponsor of AJR-66, the bill to define marriage in Wisconsin as between one man and one woman. And she’s going to give us a few words about that. We’re elated to have WI State Rep. Carol Owens: ...

One more special number:

Many homosexual advocates say all they want is to allow people who love each other to be able to marry, and they’re not in favor of some of the more frightening things we’re concerned with, like polygamy, incest, or pedophilia, but a few things put the lie to that claim. First of all, if loving people should be able to marry, what if a brother and sister wanted to marry? How about a brother and a brother? Or cousins? Or a father and a daughter? What if a dozen people all wanted to marry each other? Homosexuals want to support marriage allowance exceptions for themselves, but not for these other situations. Why, the intolerant bigots! Those hypocrites! Don’t be too alarmed at that terminology, we’ve been called that and worse. Tony Palmeiri called our side the Taliban. Worse yet, the “Gay Rights Platform”, which was proposed by over 200 “gay” rights groups, and read into the Congressional Record, wants to do away with laws against prostitution, laws against incest, and even laws against adult-CHILD sex. They will NOT stop at just homosexual marriage, they want prostitution, incest, pedophilia, and other perversions to follow. If we spank a kid they call it child abuse, but they want to legalize sex with children and think that’s normal.

I’m glad not everyone thinks that’s normal, and one of the men fighting for traditional values, and taking a lot of heat from the enemy is State Rep. Mark Gundrum. Rep. Gundrum is the principal author of AJR-66. We’re grateful to have him here this afternoon and looking forward to what he has to say and we want to encourage him to keep up the good fight. Here’s Rep. Mark Gundrum …

We’re grateful to Rep. Gundrum for taking a public stand here today. With 80% of Wisconsinites supporting traditional marriage, there’s no reason more politicians shouldn’t have that kind of backbone.

Homosexuals say they simply want equal rights. They HAVE equal rights. They have the same rights as the rest of us, free speech, religious liberty, the right to bear arms, the right to a speedy trial, and all the rest, including the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. They are not seeking equal rights, they are after special privileges. They don’t simply want the right to practice their lifestyle. If they did, it would never become a public issue, because most of us avoid contact with that lifestyle. The only way their sexuality becomes an issue is when they try to shove it down our throats and force us to accept it. Whether we like it or not, this has become the issue of our day. We HAVE to confront it, because it IS confronting us.

We’ve got a man who is going to give us the Bible perspective of marriage and sexuality. Without the Bible, there is no standard to determine right and wrong. Public opinion can change. Things like abortion and homosexuality that used to be considered wrong, are often considered right today. Things that are considered wrong today, such as incest and pedophilia, could very conceivably be considered acceptable in the future.

Dr. Gene Howard is an evangelist who is going to show us what the Bible says about this topic. Dr. Howard is also an experienced patriotic speaker. He’s spoken for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, for candidate Alan Keyes, he’s spoken at gun-rights events, and most recently spoke at the Constitution Party national convention in Valley Forge, PA. He’ll also be conducting the morning services tomorrow at Wyldewood Baptist church at 3030 Witzel Av. at 9:30 and 10:45 AM, and you’re all invited. He also bears an uncanny resemblance in looks and voice to the late actor John Wayne - however he’s speaking for himself this afternoon.
Here is, my friend, Dr. Gene Howard …



We had about 150 show up for our rally, which was less than we hoped for, but there were only about a dozen homosexuals who showed up to counter, so it was still a success. The most interesting thing was who DIDN'T show up - the media! Not one TV or radio station came, even though they were informed and several said they planned to cover the rally. That gives us 1st-hand proof of the liberal media bias.

The rally itself was fantastic. Julaine drew the proverbial line-in-the-sand. Carol hit with some good one-liners. Mark substantiated why we had the rally. Gene preached the truth from the Bible, and I threw some verbal punches below I expected the politicians would avoid.

Here are some of my best comments. Another good exchange ensued when the homosexuals began to badger Rep. Owens, and I stepped in to silence the sodomites. They were wailing about health care and I commented, "I don't understand why two able adult men don't have health care. Get a job!" My other comments:

Many homosexual advocates say all they want is to allow people who love each other to be able to marry, and they’re not in favor of some of the more frightening things we’re concerned with, like polygamy, incest, or pedophilia, but a few things put the lie to that claim. First, if loving people should be able to marry, what if a brother and sister wanted to marry? How about a brother and a brother? Or cousins? A father and a daughter? What if a dozen people all wanted to marry each other? Homosexuals want to support marriage allowance exceptions for themselves, but not for these other situations. Why, the intolerant bigots! Those hypocrites! Worse yet, the “Gay Rights Platform”, which was proposed by over 85 “gay” rights groups, and read into the Congressional Record, wants to do away with laws against prostitution, laws against incest, and even laws against adult-CHILD sex. They will NOT stop at just homosexual marriage, they want prostitution, incest, pedophilia, and other perversions to follow. If we spank a kid they call it child abuse, but they want to legalize sex with children and think that’s normal.

Homosexuals say they simply want equal rights. They HAVE equal rights. They have the same rights as the rest of us, free speech, religious liberty, the right to bear arms, the right to a speedy trial, and all the rest, including the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. They’re not seeking equal rights, they’re after special privileges. They don’t simply want the right to practice their lifestyle. If they did, it would never become a public issue, because most of us avoid contact with that lifestyle. The only way their sexuality becomes an issue is when they try to shove it down our throats and force us to accept it. Whether we like it or not, this has become the issue of our day. We HAVE to confront it, because it IS confronting us.

Thursday, December 22, 2005



Isaiah 59:19 ... When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

Eight men from Wisconsin Marriage Defenders made an hour trek to Green Bay, WI to protest the latest local appearance of "Action Wisconsin", the pro-homosexual group that sponsored the recent "Queers on the Water" rally that we countered in Oshkosh. This time it was called a "Town Hall" meeting.


This was a different type of experience in may ways. This time the media coverage was slanted in favor of the homosexuals because of the Massachusetts law taking effect today (5-17-04). Still, to get such visible coverage, at *their* rally, is an excellent accomplishment. They also interviewed some almost normal looking homosexuals. The previous fruity interviews would repulse most normal people, and actually worked to our advantage.

This time we got to spend more time giving the gospel and talking to onlookers. Each of us got to witness to several others, so several dozen people heard the gospel, their accountability before God, and their need for salvation by believing on Jesus Christ. We did a lot of seed planting and sowing. Perhaps someday reaping will result.

We also heard vulgar catcalls this time, and every time someone cursed at us, I would ask whoever I was talking to at the time, "Now WHO'S being hateful and intolerant here?"

We were outside, carrying large signs with messages on the front and back, so we were highly visible, and talked to the media before they went into the meeting. I did an interview that aired on WLUK-TV at www.wluk.com/news. They misspelled my name as "Tino", and I have a face better suited for radio than TV, but no one else wanted to do the interview. so it fell on me.

I commented: "It would totally make marriage a farce if anybody can marry anybody for any reason." (I went on to explain how redefining marriage as other than one man and one woman opens a can of worms to allow incest, polygamy, prostitution, and pedophilia., but they cut that part) . "I think it's a bad direction for the country to go. We're legitimizing sin, we're legitimizing things that are wrong and hurtful to the country." (I then again added a statement that without the Bible as the standard for right and wrong, we're left to society's opinion of the day, which can change tomorrow. 20 years ago homosexuality and abortion were considered to be wrong, today they're considered to be okay. In 20 years perhaps rape and pedophilia will be considered someone's sexual orientation., and protected as civil-rights", but they omitted that part again.).

Dick Ives was interviewed by WBAY-TV (http://www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=1874761&nav=51s6NCVz). He was reluctant to do another TV interview because he's been receiving crank phone calls since his previous interview, but they eventually cornered him. This is the channel that aired William Bakash's interview on their website last rally. This one is also on their website now. A clip of all of us walking with our signs comes up just before his interview.

The preview, which is not on this video, showed Dick saying: ""I can't just let them go to Hell, I have to do something." and during the clip he commented: "All that stuff is sin in God's sight. That's why we're here, because we love people enough to tell them the truth about that, even though they end up hating our guts for it."

Bro. Ives also showed up on the Green Bay Press Gazette (www.greenbaypressgazette.com/news/archive/local_16152989.shtml):

Outside the theater, about 15 anti-gay demonstrators gathered to protest.

Richard Ives drove from Oshkosh and held a sign that read, “Stop the destruction of western civilization. Sodomy kills.”

“We love homosexuals enough to come out and tell (people) the truth about what they are doing to themselves,” Ives said. “They are killing themselves with sodomy, HIV … and it destroys our culture.”

Terry Knutson was interviewed by the Green Bay News Chronicle www.greenbaynewschron.com/page.html?article=125863, and Jerry Fox was also interviewed. Terry said: "My feeling is as the Bible says. Homosexuality is a sin,"

Perhaps the saddest thing was that, aside from the homosexual group leaders, probably 95% of the pro-homosexual crowd was under the age of 20. There is absolutely no question they are after our youth. They can't reproduce, so they must recruit. It also shows what kind of product our public schools and colleges are turning out.



None of us from WMD sought out this battle. The battle was brought on us. We didn't desire to get soiled in battle against the homosexual movement. I run a creation science ministry. Dick Ives is involved with music. Al Doyle is a baseball writer. Paul Buskager is involved with Bible printing and distribution. Bob and Gary Warinner are pilots. The other guys (and girls) are involved in different things. Jared Longsine is ... well, nobody knows what Jared Longsine does :-)

But Action Wisconsin and Queers on the Water invaded our town. We had the option of remaining silent or responding. We chose to respond. We counter-protested their protest. We were peaceful, civil, and didn't interfere with their event in any way. But we offered the alternative viewpoint to anyone willing to listen.

The UW0 Advance Titan covered the event. They made several errors in their slanted account, which is not surprising coming from a liberal bastion of higher indoctrination.

Residents rally for rights

Oshkosh Politicians co-sponsored ban bill

by Teresa Puschnig, of the Advance Titan

Hundreds of Oshkosh-area residents gathered in the Opera House Square on Sunday afternoon to protest bill AJR66, which would ban same-sex marriages and civil unions in Wisconsin.

TG: Hardly hundreds. It was less than 100 and almost half of them were us.

“The government has no right to tell us which marriage between two consensual adults is sacred,” Springstroh said.

TG: Oh. Would a father and a daughter be "two consensual adults"? What about two brothers? Why would three or four consensual adults be wrong?


Local politicians, including Tony Palmeri, James Genisio and Steven Dedow, also stated their support for the issue during the protest.

TG: Local what? What offices do any of those three hold? NONE. They've LOST every race they've entered. They are not politicians, they are wannabes. WMD member Terry Knutson came closer to winning office than any of those three. I have served as a District Representative and County V.P. for the Constitution party. That makes me at least as much of a 'politician' as any of those three.


The protest also brought out supporters of the bill. About 20 people gathered around the outskirts of the park holding signs stating Bible verses and the importance of a traditional marriage. Oshkosh resident Juanita Warinner, 68, said she and her family came to silently state their beliefs. “We stand for the marriage of one man and one woman for life,” she said.


This is the official blogsite of the Oshkosh-based Wisconsin Marriage Defenders group.

We stand for the traditional biblical family of one man married to one woman.

We are involved in local efforts to expose the surreptitious desires of the homosexual movement, and their efforts to destroy the family concept. We've counter-protested at two Action Wisconsin rallies (Oshkosh & Green Bay), sponsored our own pro-family rally (Oshkosh), been interviewed in print and television media (all around Fox valley), done a literature drop reaching 7,000 homes in Oshkosh, and picketed in favor of traditional marriage.

We have much more planned for the future.